Ionic local storage and routing

I am making an Ionic app and I am using the $ http service to post articles from the server. My app has a list of articles with the option to jump into one article. My factory looks like this:

.factory('Articles', function ($http) {
    var articles = [];
    return {
        all: function () {
            return $http.get("").then(function (response) {
                articles =;
                return articles;
        get: function (articleId) {
            for (var i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) {
                if (articles[i].id === parseInt(articleId)) {
                    return articles[i];
            return null;


I use my controller to show this in case articles cannot be retrieved:

.controller('ThisCtrl', function ($scope, $stateParams, Articles) {
    $scope.articles = [];
        $scope.articles = data;
        window.localStorage.setItem("articles", JSON.stringify(data));

    function(err) {
       if(window.localStorage.getItem("articles") !== undefined) {
          $scope.articles = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("articles"));



This works great, but I'm having trouble getting one article from localStorage using my only controller:

.controller('GautengInnerCtrl', function ($scope, $stateParams, Articles) {
  $scope.articles = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("articles"));
  $scope.article = Articles.get($stateParams.articleId);



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1 answer

You should check your service if there are any articles in localstorage and get them if they are:

.factory('Articles', function ($http) {
    var articles = [],
        storageKey = "articles";

    function _getCache() {
        var cache = localStorage.getItem(storageKey);
        if (cache)
            articles = angular.fromJson(cache);

    return {
        all: function () {
            return $http.get("").then(function (response) {
                articles =;
                localStorage.setItem(storageKey, articles);
        get: function (articleId) {
            if (!articles.length) 

            for (var i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) {
                if (articles[i].id === parseInt(articleId)) {
                    return articles[i];
            return null;




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