Automatically switch to read-only database when the main database is not available

I am trying to find ways to switch between Master and Slave (Postgresql) database. If a Master is not available, SilverStripe will pick it up and switch the databases to the Slave (read-only) database.

I've read Sam Minnie 's post about this and I'm wondering if any work has been done on this? Ideally, this will be an automated action.


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1 answer

you can put code in your _config.php for example ...

global $databaseConfig;

$conn = new mysqli($databaseConfig['server'], $$databaseConfig['username'], $$databaseConfig['password']);
if ($conn->connect_error)
    $otherDB = array(
    "type"      => 'MySQLDatabase',
    "server"    => 'localhost',
    "username"  => 'read_only_user',
    "password"  => 'some_password',
    "path"      => '',
    "database"  => 'other_database'




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