What should be the default date and time value?

I am inserting Excel records into mine DataTable

in c#

and passing this DataTable to SQL stored procedure

. In my C # code, I put certain checks on the data cells of an empty

Excel sheet to avoid exceptions. But it looks like I am missing something by giving the value default

to my SQL Date


string InvoiceDate = (row.Cells[3].Text == " ") ? "0/00/0000 00:00:00 AM" : (row.Cells[3].Text);


And I am getting the following error:

The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. Couldn't store <0/00/0000 00:00:00 AM> in the InvoiceDate column. The expected DateTime type.

Edited - SQL Field Declaration [InvoiceDate]

[InvoiceDate] [date] NOT NULL


Please do not suggest to insert null

as I cannot insert null

for this column.


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2 answers

First , there is no date 00/00/0000

, neither in the real world nor in SQL Server.

Second , why do you need defaults? just use zero instead.

Third , use the ISO 8601 format for specifying dates in strings ( yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss


Fourth , as George correctly pointed out in his comment, why even use strings for a date and time value? use a variable of type in . note that this minimum value is different from the minimum value of the sql server datatype . DateTime



If your column is not null you can use (minimum for datetime) or (maximum for datetime) datetime



And lastly, you might consider using or splitting the date and time into different columns (data types and of course ). What for? read here. datetime2





Try inserting the current date instead:

string InvoiceDate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cells[3].Text) ? DateTime.Now.ToString() : (row.Cells[3].Text);




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