Docker container returns "unknown" for "uname -p" command

I just installed a brand new Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 LTS and also installed docker to run containers. I ran into some problems. The container will be used to run Jenkins and some of its jobs run scripts to install the Android NDK / SDK. These scripts check the platform of the current computer using the command uname -p

. This command works well on the host machine, but returns unknown

in containers like this:

lemonade@olympus:/$ docker info
Containers: 14
Images: 171
Storage Driver: aufs
 Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs
 Dirs: 199
Execution Driver: native-0.2
Kernel Version: 3.16.0-38-generic
WARNING: No swap limit support
lemonade@olympus:/$ uname -a
Linux olympus 3.16.0-38-generic #52~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri May 8 09:43:57 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
lemonade@olympus:/$ uname -p
lemonade@olympus:/$ docker run -ti java:7 /bin/bash
root@c6cdbb8a64fb:/# uname -p
root@c6cdbb8a64fb:/# uname -a
Linux c6cdbb8a64fb 3.16.0-38-generic #52~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri May 8 09:43:57 UTC 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux


Does anyone know why containers are returning this? Some scripts (which are not coded by us) use this, as well as many makefiles.



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2 answers

I don't know the exact reason why the docker image uname -p

is failing java:7

, but it looks like it has to do with the docker image debian

. The docker image ubuntu

is fine.

$ docker run debian uname -p

$ docker run ubuntu uname -p


If you look at the Dockerfile dependencies for the docker image java:7

, you find out the following: java:7




The only thing that breaks uname -p

is addiction debian:jessie

. What you can do is create your own java:7

docker image , but depend on ubuntu

instead debian


To do this, you will have to come up with a Dockerfile that is a merge of the ones used to create the image java:7




uname -p

seems to be for unknown for a lot of Linux distributions.

Although you do not control these scripts and make files, you can send error reports up, recommending that they change their code to use uname -m

instead, if they're trying to find x86_64

, armv7l

, armv6l

,, etc.



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