Android WebView availability in Lollipop

I'm having trouble with TalkBack for webview (tested with Nexus 9 on Android 5.1). I read that TalkBack support was added to web views around the Android JellyBean release by checking a preference called "Improve Web Accessibility". I can't for the life of me find this preference in the system settings.

Focusing on the webview in our application just reads "WebView" and provides no other options.

Was there TalkBack support for web browsing in KitKat? If not, what am I missing here?

I am using the Mobile accessibility plugin to read my customized feedback

My app works fine with Android 4.4.4. Used aria-hidden=true

to stop the default messaging for Mobile accessibility. But with this attribute, the lollipop does not focus on the event, not the reading


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3 answers

Your question is a little unclear. But I can guarantee one thing, it has nothing to do with the "Enhanced Internet Accessibility" option. This was an experimental accessibility setting in Android 4.1 - 4.2 and has been deprecated since then. This is why you cannot find this setting. What is Enhanced Web Accessibility is to add some visual elements to help users find things like Links and so on. With good outlines. This has nothing to do with the basic TalkBack support for WebViews that has been supported since TalkBack was released, although it has certainly improved since then and is still improving.

Now this doesn't answer your question. Only removes one of the solutions that you believe were related to the investigation. According to your actual solution, your question is a little confusing, what is your actual problem. It looks to me like you have some kind of event being triggered on the custom WebView that you created and that should make TalkBack read something. I am awaiting further details to continue with this answer, although I suspect you have not set the WebView accessibility delegate.

mWebView.setAccessibilityDelegate(new View.AccessibilityDelegate());




It must be set to setJavaScriptEnabled (false); Analysis of web components looks like view.view.



according to Accessibility and Android WebView

Android webview accessibility is enabled with javascript injection on Honeycomb and above ( as pointed out by alanv ). The user has to enable it:

Enable accessibility mode, including Explore by Touch, in 4.0+. Turn on "Enhanced Web Accessibility" or on older devices "Web Script Entry". It works by injecting javascript into each loaded page using tags. Note that you need to be careful as not all content will work well with this javascript and injection will not work in some cases.



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