Worklight Server / DB down window, the mashup shows a dialog with "Server is temporarily unavailable". No error callback?

we have a case where the Worklight Server database (v6.1.0.02-20150509) was omitted and therefore the server was unable to connect and so the mashup presented the dialog below.

We did not expose this dialog and its content in the application, so this must come from the Worklight Client environment.

Since the phone is set to French, you can see there is an English / French mix in the text.

What we're wondering is is there a way to catch this?
There seems to be no callback and it seems that the adapter call did not time out properly and hence incorrectly returned an error to our code.

Hybrid Client App shows this native Dialog error

Also, why is Worklight showing a visual error dialog? The framework should provide callbacks and hooks, not a visual interface that the application developers did not create.


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1 answer

Using IBM Worklight Studio I ran the following two scenarios:

  • Use WL.Client.connect

    from wlCommonInit()

    while the server is running, but the server's MySQL database (WRKLGHT) is disabled

    In this case connect

    , it failed and I reached my callback onFailure


  • Use WL.Client.invokeProcedure

    from wlCommonInit()

    (instead of connect

    ) while the server is running, but the server's MySQL database server (WRKLGHT) is down. The procedure calls a SQL adapter trying to retrieve data from a single database server.

    In this case, the call to the adapter failed and I reached my callback onFailure


So clearly what you are going through is not happening here using the latest build I mentioned at the beginning.

  • Try with the same build (see my email)
  • Provide clearer playback steps.


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