JAVA: ImmutableSet as List

I am currently returning an ImmutableSet from a function call (getFeatures ()), and due to the structure of the rest of my code to be executed later, it would be much easier to change this to a list. I tried using it, which throws a runtime exception. I also looked at the function call to convert it to a list to no avail. Is there a way to do this? My last failed attempt is shown below:

ImmutableSet<FeatureWrapper> wrappersSet =  getFeatures();
List<FeatureWrapper> wrappers = (List<FeatureWrapper>) wrappersSet;


I found wrapperSet.asList () which will give me ImmutableList, but I would rather change the list


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3 answers

You cannot draw Set<T>

in List<T>

. These are completely different objects. Just use the copy constructor , which creates a new list from the collection:

List<FeatureWrapper> wrappers = new ArrayList<>(wrappersSet);





has a function asList ...

ImmutableList<FeatureWrapper> wrappersSet = getFeatures().asList();


The bonus indicates that the return type is a ImmutableList


If you really want mutable List

, then Vivin's answer is what you want.



As the Guava-21

supports java-8

, you can use stream

and collector

to convert ImmutableSet

to List


ImmutableSet<Integer> intSet = ImmutableSet.of(1,2,3,4,5);
// using java-8 Collectors.toList()
List<Integer> integerList =;
System.out.println(integerList); // [1,2,3,4,5]
integerList.removeIf(x -> x % 2 == 0); 
System.out.println(integerList); // [1,3,5] It is a list, we can add 
// and remove elements


We can use ImmutableList#toImmutableList

with collectors to convert ImmutableList

to ImmutableList

: // use ImmutableList # toImmutableList ()

ImmutableList<Integer> ints =
System.out.println(ints); // [1,2,3,4,5]


And the easiest way is to call ImmutableSet#asList

// using ImmutableSet#asList
ImmutableList<Integer> ints = intSet.asList(); 




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