How Crash Reporting Really Works

I know there are many crash reporting tools in the market to collect crashes from real devices. I would like to know how does the crash reporting tool really collect its data ?. Does it collect an operating system crash report after restarting the application? or does iOS allow the crash reporter to collect data as soon as the app crashes ?.

It would be really great if someone can explain what happens after the application crashed or directed me to the right place.


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1 answer

The system crash logs are located in /private/var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/

and (as far as I know) cannot directly access the application. Most crash reporting tools will try to catch crashes and generate their own crash reports that will be stored locally and sent to the server for designation and processing.

You can look at the source of KSCrash , an open source crash reporting tool, to see how the crashes are caught / saved / reported.



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