In Vue.js, change the value of a specific attribute for all elements of a data array

I am trying to switch a class open

to a list of items in v-repeat

. I only need one list item (the one that was recently clicked) to have a class open


The output has a "class" attribute, which is an empty string by default. I use this to set the class of list items to be v-repeat

like this:

<li v-repeat="dataSet"
    v-on="click: toggleFunction(this)"
    class="{{ class }}">
    {{ itemContent }}


I use v-on="click: toggleFunction(this)"

for each element, which allows me to change the class for a specific element, but how do I change the class for all other elements?

My current click method:

toggleFunction: function(item) {
    if (item.class == '') {
        // code to remove the `open` class from all other items should go here.
        item.class = 'open';
    } else {
        item.class = '';


I tried to use a regular jQuery function to mark up the classes: it removes the classes but doesn't change the attribute item.class

, so things get weird after the element is clicked more than once ...

I'm sure there must be an easy way to fix this, which I don't see, and having to set an attribute class

on the data itself feels hacky anyway (but I'll settle for any fix that works).


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1 answer

I just ran into the same problem. I am still learning Vue, but I have been doing this using the "v-class" directive. Using the v-class, anytime the active value is true for writing, it will automatically add the "open" class to the list item. Hope this JSFiddle helps.

        v-on="click: toggleActive(this)"
        v-class="open: active">{{ name }}

new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    data: {
        people: [
            {name: 'mike'},
            {name: 'joe',active: true},
            {name: 'tom'},
            {name: 'mary'}
    methods: {
        toggleActive: function(person) {
            // remove active from all people
          //set active to clicked person




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