Pandas read excel with Chinese filename
I am trying to upload as a pandas dataframe file with Chinese characters in its name.
I tried:
import sys
df=pd.read_excel("url/某物2008.xls", encoding=sys.getfilesystemencoding())
But the answer is something like: "there is no such file or directory" url / \ xa1 \ xa92008.xls "
I also tried to change filenames using os.rename, but filenames are not even read properly (python's request to just print filenames only gives question marks or squares).
Alexis eggermont
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1 answer
df=pd.read_excel(u"url/某物2008.xls", encoding=sys.getfilesystemencoding())
might work ... but you may need to declare the encoding type at the top of the file
Joran beasley
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