Parsing an unstructured text file with Python

I have a text file, several snippets of which look like this:

Page 1 of 515                   
Closing Report for Company Name LLC                 

222 N 9th Street, #100 & 200, Las Vegas, NV, 89101                  

File number:    Jackie Grant    Status: Fell Thru   Primary closing party:  Seller
Acceptance: 01/01/2001  Closing date:   11/11/2011  Property type:  Commercial Lease
MLS number: Sale price: $200,000    Commission: $1,500.00   
Notes:  08/15/2000 02:30PM by Roger Lodge This property is a Commercial Lease handled by etc..  

Seller: Company Name LLC                    
Company name:   Company Name LLC                
Address:    222 N 9th Street, #100 & 200, Las Vegas, NV, 89101              
Home:   Pager:              
Business:   Fax:                
Mobile: Email:              
Buyer: Tomlinson, Ladainian                 
Address:    222 N 9th Street, #100 & 200, Las Vegas, NV, 89101              
Home:   Pager:              
Business:   555-555-5555    Fax:            
Mobile: Email:              
Lessee Agent: Blank, Arthur                 
Company name:   Sprockets Inc.              
Address:    5001 Old Man Dr, North Las Vegas, NV, 89002             
Home:   (575) 222-3455  Pager:          
Business:   Fax:    999-9990            
Mobile: (702) 600-3492  Email:        
Leasing Agent: Van Uytnyck, Chameleon                   
Company name:   Company Name LLC                
Home:   Pager:              
Business:   Fax:    909-222-2223            
Mobile: 595-595-5959    Email:          

(should be 2 spaces here.. this is not in normal text file)

Printed on Friday, June 12, 2015                    
Account owner: Roger Goodell                    
Page 2 of 515                   
Report for Adrian (Allday) Peterson                     

242 N 9th Street, #100 & 200                    

File number:    Soap    Status: Closed/Paid Primary closing party:  Buyer
Acceptance: 01/10/2010  Closing date:   01/10/2010  Property type:  RRR
MLS number: Sale price: $299,000    Commission: 33.00%  

Seller: SOS, Bank                   
Address:    242 N 9th Street, #100 & 200                
Home:   Pager:              
Business:   Fax:                
Mobile: Email:              
Buyer: Sabel, Aaron                 
Home:   Pager:              
Business:   Fax:                
Mobile: Email:          
Escrow Co: Schneider, Patty                 
Company name:   National Football League                
Address:    242 N 9th Street, #100 & 200                
Home:   Pager:              
Business:   800-2009    Fax:    800-1100        
Mobile: Email:              
Buyers Agent: Munchak, Mike                 
Company name:   Commission Group                
Home:   Pager:              
Business:   Fax:                
Mobile: 483374-3892 Email:     
Listing Agent: Ricci, Christina                 
Company name:   Other Guys              
Home:   Pager:              
Business:   Fax:                
Mobile: 888-333-3333    Email:      


Here's my code:

import re

file = open('file-path.txt','r')

# if there are more than two consecutive blank lines, then we start a new Entry
entries = []
curr = []
prev_blank = False
for line in file:
    line = line.rstrip('\n').strip()
    if (line == ''):
        if prev_blank == True:
            # end of the entry, create append the entry
            if(len(curr) > 0):
                print curr
                curr = []
                prev_blank = False
            prev_blank = True
        prev_blank = False
        # we need to parse the line
        line_list = line.split()
        str = ''
        start = False
        for item in line_list:
            if re.match('[a-zA-Z\s]+:.*',item):
                if len(str) > 0:
                str = item
                start = True
            elif start == True:
                str = str + ' ' + item


Here's the result:

['number: Jackie Grant', 'Status: Fell Thru Primary closing', 'Acceptance: 01/01/2001 Closing', 'date: 11/11/2011 Property', 'number: Sale', 'price: $200,000', 'Home:', 'Business:', 'Mobile:', 'Home:', 'Business: 555-555-5555', 'Mobile:', 'Home: (575) 222-3455', 'Business:', 'Mobile: (702) 600-3492', 'Home:', 'Business:', 'Mobile: 595-595-5959']


My problems are as follows:

  • First, there should be 2 entries as output and I am only outputting them.
  • In the top block of text, my script doesn't know where the previous value ends and a new one starts: "Status: Fell Thru" should be one value "Primary Closing Side:", "Buyer" Acceptance: 01/10/2010 ',' Closing Date : 01/10/2010 ',' Property Type: RRR ',' MLS Number: ',' Sale Price: $ 299,000 ',' Commission: 33.00% 'are to be caught.
  • After correct analysis, I will need to parse again to separate keys from values ​​(eg Closed Date: 01/10/2010), ideally in a dicts list.

I can't think of a better way other than using regular expressions to select keys and then grab the chunks of text that follow.

When done, I need a key-filled csv w / header line that I can import into pandas w / read_csv. I've spent quite a few hours on this.


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2 answers

(This is not a complete answer, but it is too long for a comment.)

  • Field names can have spaces (for example MLS number

  • Multiple fields may appear on each line (for example Home: Pager:

  • The Notes box has time in it, with :

    in it

This means that you cannot use your own approach to determine field names from a regular expression. It is not possible for it to know if "MLS" is part of a previous data value or a subsequent field name.

Some of the lines Home: Pager:

refer to the Seller, some to the Buyer, Tenant's Agent or Leasing Agent. This means that the naive step-by-step approach I take below doesn't work either.

This is the code I was working on, it works against your test data, but gives the wrong output due to the above. Here's for a link to the approach I was taking:

replaces = [
    ('Closing Report for', 'Report_for:')
    ,('Report for', 'Report_for:')
    ,('File number', 'File_number')
    ,('Primary closing party', 'Primary_closing_party')
    ,('MLS number', 'MLS_number')
    ,('Sale Price', 'Sale_Price')
    ,('Account owner', 'Account_owner')
    # ...
    # etc.

def fix_linemash(data):
    # splits many fields on one line into several lines

    results = []
    mini_collection = []
    for token in data.split(' '):
        if ':' not in token:
            results.append(' '.join(mini_collection))
            mini_collection = [token]

    return [line for line in results if line]

def process_record(data):
    # takes a collection of lines
    # fixes them, and builds a record dict
    record = {}

    for old, new in replaces:
        data = data.replace(old, new)

    for line in fix_linemash(data):
        print line
        name, value = line.split(':', 1)
        record[name.strip()] = value.strip()

    return record

records = []
collection = []
blank_flag = False

for line in open('d:/lol.txt'):
    # Read through the file collecting lines and
    # looking for double blank lines
    # every pair of blank lines, process the stored ones and reset

    line = line.strip()
    if line.startswith('Page '): continue
    if line.startswith('Printed on '): continue

    if not line and blank_flag:      # record finished
        records.append( process_record(' '.join(collection)) )
        blank_flag = False
        collection = []

    elif not line:  # maybe end of record?
        blank_flag = True

    else:   # false alarm, record continues
        blank_flag = False

for record in records:
    print record


Now I think it would be much better to do some tidyup preprocessing steps on the data:

  • Separate the lines "Page n of n" and "Printed on ..." and similar
  • Identify all valid field names and then split the combined strings, that is, each row has only one field, the fields start at the beginning of the row.
  • Run and process the Seller / Buyer / Agents blocks, replacing the field names with an identification prefix, for example. Email:

    β†’ Seller Email:


Then write a parser for records, which should be simple - check for two blank lines, split the lines at the first colon, use the left bit as the field name and the right bit as the value. Save however you want (nb. That the dictionary keys are unordered).



I find it easier to start a new entry by clicking on the word "Page".

Just share your experience - it's too hard to write a generic parser.

The situation is not so bad given the data here. Instead of using a simple list to store the entry, use an object. Add all objects as attributes / values ​​to the object.



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