SQL GROUP BY total cost of each week of the year

OK, so I'm doing some access here and I can't figure it out, tried a lot already but nothing comes close. And I hope some of you know what to do.

I have multiple tables in my database (just for school)

Products table

Type    Price   Color  Height Model
KL47    69      B      150    Dames Normal Model
VRS02   73      W      170    Heren Smal Model`


Copy Table - Products

Copienr Type
K664    KL47
T553    KL47
V3553   VRS02
V7744   VRS02
V9941   VRS02


Custumers table

Customrnr   Companyname  Adress
1           Jiver        Posthoorn 27
2           Veco         Weebosserweg 21
3           V&D          Omabakfietsjes 74


And finally, a table to check the witch's customer rents the witch's product

Rentnr  Customernr  Copienr Date-from   Date-Till
5       3           K664    11/5/2014   11/29/2014
6       3           T553    10/7/2014   12/13/2014
7       3           V3553   11/18/2014  12/19/2014
8       3           V3553   4/8/2015    8/12/2015
9       3           V7744   4/8/2015    7/8/2015
10      3           T553    5/4/2015    6/8/2015


Now I need a table of all the products that V&D has rented this year. Group at a total price per week.

I have this so far:

SELECT t.typen, c.copienr, date-from, date-till, companyname, price
FROM typen t, copies c, rented-vieuw r, customers c
WHERE bedrijfsnaam = 'V&D'
AND c.customernr = r.customernr
AND r.copienr = c.copienr
AND c.type = t.type
AND date-from >= #1/1/2015#;


Next, for grouping by the total weekly cost of the weekly, I tried a lot. Thinks it doesn't even make any sense, but I can't figure it out. Hope you can help me. Thank!

Edit: the price in the product table is the rental price of the product / weak ***


source to share

2 answers

So here is my first attempt at an answer online,

My understanding of your questions is that you are trying to create a query with only one company's products this year only. And get the total price for this product.

I assumed your price was weekly. I added two columns so you can understand what I did, total days and full weeks. Also I named your tables Products, Copiers - Products, Custumers, and Rentals based on the writing and descriptions you gave

SELECT Renting.Rentnr, DateDiff("d",[Renting]![Date-from],[Renting]![Date-Till]) AS NumberDays, DateDiff("d",[Renting]![Date-from],[Renting]![Date-Till])/7 AS NumberWeeks, Custumers.Companyname, Products.Type, Products.Price, Renting.[Date-from], Renting.[Date-Till], Format([Products]![Price]*DateDiff("d",[Renting]![Date-from],[Renting]![Date-Till])/7,"Currency") AS Total
FROM Custumers INNER JOIN ((Products INNER JOIN [Copiers - Products] ON Products.Type = [Copiers - Products].Type) INNER JOIN Renting ON [Copiers - Products].Copienr = Renting.Copienr) ON Custumers.Customrnr = Renting.Customernr
WHERE (((Year([Renting]![Date-from]))=[Which year?]))
GROUP BY Renting.Rentnr, DateDiff("d",[Renting]![Date-from],[Renting]![Date-Till]), DateDiff("d",[Renting]![Date-from],[Renting]![Date-Till])/7, Custumers.Companyname, Products.Type, Products.Price, Renting.[Date-from], Renting.[Date-Till], Format([Products]![Price]*DateDiff("d",[Renting]![Date-from],[Renting]![Date-Till])/7,"Currency");


The WHERE clause is used to restrict the selected year, you can change [Which year?]

to Now()

to automatically select the current year based on the computer's system time / date.

Adding also AND ((Custumers.Companyname)=[Which Company?]))

to operator WHERE

also allows you to select another company based on the company name

Hard-coded values ​​like year and company mean there is only one option for your request and you need a new request for each year and company.

Hopefully I hit the mark or get close to it.


I understand that I didn't explain all this correctly: DateDiff(...

used to get the difference between two dates, "d" means that after days I could also use "ww" to find out how many weeks are between dates, the next two fields are your field dates.

All joins were made automatically because I linked all tables in the relationship window. And this query was designed in the project view without using the SQL editor.



You will need a list of weeks from the first date to the last date. Also, you will need the ISO year as this may be different from the calendar year.

First, create a table Number

with one field: Number

. Make this your main index.

Fill this in with ten entries from 0 to 9.

Then create a query DateFirstLast

that will take the first and last date as parameters:

    DateFirst DateTime, 
    DateLast DateTime;
    DateAdd("d",[Hundred]![Number]*100+[Ten]![Number]*10+[One].[Number],[DateFirst]) AS [Date]
    [Number] AS One, 
    [Number] AS Ten, 
    [Number] AS Hundred


Now, use this as a source in a new request to generate ISO year-year numbers:

    ISO_WeekYearNumber([Date]) AS YearWeek


This list contains dates and year-week numbers for dates.

For example, in 2012 it will be from 2011W52

to 2013W01


Week number calculation function:

Public Function ISO_WeekYearNumber( _
  ByVal datDate As Date, _
  Optional ByRef intYear As Integer, _
  Optional ByRef bytWeek As Byte) _
  As String

' Calculates and returns year and week number for date datDate according to the ISO 8601:1988 standard.
' Optionally returns numeric year and week.
' 1998-2007, Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
' May be freely used and distributed.

  Const cbytFirstWeekOfAnyYear  As Byte = 1
  Const cbytLastWeekOfLeapYear  As Byte = 53
  Const cbytMonthJanuary        As Byte = 1
  Const cbytMonthDecember       As Byte = 12
  Const cstrSeparatorYearWeek   As String = "W"

  Dim bytMonth                  As Byte
  Dim bytISOThursday            As Byte
  Dim datLastDayOfYear          As Date

  intYear = Year(datDate)
  bytMonth = Month(datDate)
  bytWeek = DatePart("ww", datDate, vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays)

  If bytWeek = cbytLastWeekOfLeapYear Then
    bytISOThursday = Weekday(vbThursday, vbMonday)
    datLastDayOfYear = DateSerial(intYear, cbytMonthDecember, 31)
    If Weekday(datLastDayOfYear, vbMonday) >= bytISOThursday Then
      ' OK, week count of 53 is caused by leap year.
      ' Correct for Access97/2000+ bug.
      bytWeek = cbytFirstWeekOfAnyYear
    End If
  End If

  ' Adjust year where week number belongs to next or previous year.
  If bytMonth = cbytMonthJanuary Then
    If bytWeek >= cbytLastWeekOfLeapYear - 1 Then
      ' This is an early date of January belonging to the last week of the previous year.
      intYear = intYear - 1
    End If
  ElseIf bytMonth = cbytMonthDecember Then
    If bytWeek = cbytFirstWeekOfAnyYear Then
      ' This is a late date of December belonging to the first week of the next year.
      intYear = intYear + 1
    End If
  End If

  ISO_WeekYearNumber = CStr(intYear) & cstrSeparatorYearWeek & Format(bytWeek, "00")

End Function


List of dates and weeks that you can combine with your sales data and apply grouping as needed.



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