Powershell group by multiple properties

I am trying to determine if there is an easier way to write a Powershell function that groups an array by multiple properties and sums the specified properties in a group, similar to the following:

#Ungrouped data
ID ID2 Value
-- --- -----
A  A1    100
A  A2    200
A  A2    300
B  B1    400
B  B1    500
B  B1    600
B  B3    700
C  C1    800
C  C2    900
C  C1   1000

#Grouped data
ID ID2 Sum Value
-- --- ---------
A  A1        100
A  A2        500
B  B1       1500
B  B3        700
C  C1       1800
C  C2        900


Here's what I have so far:

$grouped = $ungrouped | group ID, ID2
$grouped | foreach {
    [pscustomobject] @{
        ID = $_.group | select -unique -expand ID
        ID2 = $_.group | select -unique -expand ID2
        'Sum Value' = ($_.group | measure value -sum).sum


This works for me, but I just feel like I'm overdoing it and there might be a more concise way to write this, especially if I were grouping more properties and wanted to summarize or combine more grouped values.

Thanks in advance for your help!


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1 answer

I have the same, maybe a little simpler, I delete two |

$grouped = $ungrouped | group ID, ID2
$grouped | foreach {
    $b= $_.name -split ', '
    [pscustomobject] @{
         ID = $b[0];ID2 = $b[1]
        'Sum Value' = ($_.group | measure value -sum).sum


One liner:

Import-Csv 'YourFile.csv' | Group-Object -Property ID,ID2 | % {$b=$_.name -split ', ';$c=($_.group | Measure-Object -Property value -Sum).Sum;[PScustomobject]@{ID=$b[0];ID2=$b[1];Sum=$c}}




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