Angular-ui-bootstrap typeahead module extension

I am using angular-ui-boostrap typeahead to have people choose the person's name or add a new name if their choice is missing.

typeahead with three two names and an 'add new' option

At the moment I have changed getMatchesAsync

with my own code:

      if(scope.matches.length < 4 || scope.matches.length == undefined){
          id: getMatchId(matches.length),
          label: 'Add New +',
          model: 'new'


But I understand that this is not a very good long-term solution, especially when the component is updated.

Where should I put my code and how do I integrate it into the component? Typeahead module:


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1 answer

Here's an example of what I suggested in the comments ...

someModule.filter('filterWithNew', function($filter) {
    return function(array, expression, comparator) {
        var matches = $filter('filter')(array, expression, comparator);

        if (matches.length < 4) {
                label: 'Add new +',
                model: 'new'
        return matches;


Then you can use

... typeahead="name.label for name in names | filterWithNew:$viewValue"




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