Enable CORS in OWIN Self Hosted WebApi

I'm trying to get CORS to work in WebAPI, which itself is hosted in OWIN. The code I have is

    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder appBuilder)
        var configuration = new HttpConfiguration();


        configuration.Routes.Add("API Default", new HttpRoute("{Controller}"));

        appBuilder.Run((owinContext) =>
            owinContext.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
            return owinContext.Response.WriteAsync("Api is available at:  /ReceiptPrinter");


Whenever I access it from a secure page, I get an unsafe error and the browser blocks the request.

Can this be done?

I have answers like http://rion.io/2013/06/03/using-cors-in-asp-net-webapi-without-being-a-rocket-scientist/ but they don't seem to work with self-organized applications.


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