How to keep IntelliJ IDEA in javadoc tag swapping?

 * Comment.
 * <p>Hello
 * @author me (
 * @version $Id$
 * @since 0.1
 * @checkstyle ClassDataAbstractionCoupling (500 lines)
 * @checkstyle ClassFanOutComplexity (500 lines)


When I reformat my code with Ctrl+ Alt+ L, @since

is placed after tags @checkstyle

. Is there a way to disable javadoc tag rearrangement when reformatting code?


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1 answer

You can uncheck Enable JavaDoc formatting in Preferences / Code Style / Java / JavaDoc, which should fix the problem.

IntelliJ IDEA settings

However, this means that no other formatting will be done (wrapping, alignment, etc.). I haven't found a way to disable just tag swapping.



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