How to update N rows when N is in (select N from @myVar)

I am developing this Stored Procedure on SQL Server 2012.

The stored procedure will update the rows Quantity

in the table EXTERNAL_CODES

for each row in the parameter @newBatches

. It's like a loop, I will need to create a new row in the table BATCHES

for every row in the parameter @newBatches


And then I need to update the rows Quantity

in the table EXTERNAL_CODES

with each one created batchId


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[CreateBatchAndKeepExternalCodes]
      @newBatches as dbo.CreateBatchList READONLY,
      @productId int
    set nocount on;

    declare @lowestCodeLevel tinyint;

-- ======== VALIDATION ==========
    if ((select count(name) from @newBatches) = 0)
        return -112;

-- ====== CODE ========

    -- Get lowest aggregation level.
    set @lowestCodeLevel = 
        (select min(c.application_code)
            from CHINA_CODES_HEADER c, PRODUCTS p
            where p.Id = @productId and c.DRUG_TEN_SEATS = p.PRODUCT_CODE);

    begin transaction;

        insert into BATCHES (PRODUCT_ID, NAME, CREATED)
            select @productId, Name, CAST(SYSDATETIMEOFFSET() as nvarchar(50))
              from @newBatches;

        update top(t.Quantity) EXTERNAL_CODES 
           set BATCH_ID = (select ID from BATCHES where NAME = t.Name)
             , USED = 1
         from (select Name, Quantity from @newBatches) t
         where PRODUCT_ID = @productId and CODE_LEVEL = @lowestCodeLevel;

    commit transaction;



I am getting the error update


update top(t.Quantity) EXTERNAL_CODES 
  set BATCH_ID = (select ID from BATCHES where NAME = t.Name)
    , USED = 1
from (select Name, Quantity from @newBatches) t
where PRODUCT_ID = @productId and CODE_LEVEL = @lowestCodeLevel;


Error here: update top(t.Quantity)

. He cannot find t.Quantity




CREATE TYPE [dbo].[CreateBatchList] AS TABLE
    Name nVARCHAR(20),
    Quantity int


My problem is that I cannot install row update Quantity

. Any ideas?

Error (or warning) message:

SQL71005: The t.Quantity column reference could not be resolved.

Perhaps I could use MERGE



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1 answer

Your update statement is pretty confusing. If, for example, a table @newBatches

has multiple rows, then you say select all Quantity

from @newBatches

to Top


Anyway, I think the solution is to use a loop to use each row from @newBatches

to update. I modified your code to test it on my side and replaced all tables with table variables. You may find this helpful.

But still, without a suggestion Order By

and without knowing the actual business logic, I cannot say that this solution is correct.

DECLARE @productID int;
DECLARE @lowestCodeLevel int;

DECLARE @BATCHES table(ID int, NAME varchar(100));
DECLARE @newBatches table(Name nVARCHAR(20), Quantity int);

-- we don't know at this point whether @newBatches has some column
-- through which we can uniquely identify a row
-- that is why we are creating this new table in which we have Row_ID column
-- through which we can extract each line
DECLARE @newBatchesWithRowID table(Row_ID int not null identity, Name nVarchar(20), Quantity int);

INSERT INTO @newBatchesWithRowID(Name, Quantity)
    SELECT  Name, Quantity
    FROM    @newBatches;

DECLARE @prvRow_ID int;

-- loop to iterate in @newBatchesWithRowID table
WHILE(1 = 1)
    DECLARE @row_ID int = NULL;
    DECLARE @Name varchar(100);
    DECLARE @Quantity int;

    SELECT  TOP 1 @row_ID = Row_ID
            , @Quantity = Quantity
            , @Name = Name
    FROM    @newBatchesWithRowID
    WHERE   Row_ID > @prvRow_ID OR @prvRow_ID IS NULL
    ORDER BY Row_ID;
    If @row_ID IS NULL Break;
    SET @prvRow_ID = @row_ID;

    update top(@Quantity) @EXTERNAL_CODES 
        set BATCH_ID = (select ID from @BATCHES where NAME = @Name)
        , USED = 1
    where PRODUCT_ID = @productId and CODE_LEVEL = @lowestCodeLevel;




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