Select with multiple conditions

In the form, the user needs to check the parameters that will receive the newsletter, for example:

<input type="checkbox" name="male"  value="1" />
<input type="checkbox" name="female"  value="1" />
<input type="checkbox" name="person" value="1" />
<input type="checkbox" name="company" value="1" /> 


But I have a problem creating a query for the db with the options checked

I have this code so far, but it's not good because the newsletter has to be 1 all the time, and after that I have OR, because when I put AND I don't get the results I want:

if($options['male']) {
            $sqlAddMale = " OR gender = 2 ";
        if($options['female']) {
            $sqlAddFemale = " OR gender = 1 ";
        if($options['person']) {
            $sqlAddPerson = " OR VAT = '' ";
        if($options['company']) {
            $sqlAddCompany = " OR VAT <> '' ";

        $query = "
            SELECT email FROM users WHERE newsletter=1



source to share

2 answers

I think you want something like this:

$placeOr = false;
if($options['male']) {
    $placeOr = true;
    $sqlAddMale = " (newsletter=1 AND gender = 2) ";
if($options['female']) {
    $sqlAddFemale = (($placeOr)?" Or ":"");
    $sqlAddFemale .= " (newsletter=1 AND gender = 1) ";
    $placeOr = true;
if($options['person']) {
    $sqlAddPerson = (($placeOr)?" Or ":"");
    $sqlAddPerson .= " (newsletter=1 AND VAT = '') ";
    $placeOr = true;
if($options['company']) {
    $sqlAddCompany = (($placeOr)?" Or ":"");
    $sqlAddCompany .= " (newsletter=1 AND VAT <> '') ";
    $placeOr = true;

$query = "
    SELECT email FROM users WHERE 




This is how you can solve your problem, use one variable to create the where clause, use AND

operater when adding the first condition, otherwise useOR

$sqlString = '';
if($options['male']) {
         $sqlString = " AND gender = 2 ";
    if($options['female']) {
        if(!$sqlString) $sqlString = " AND gender = 1 ";
            $sqlString .= " OR gender = 1 ";
    if($options['person']) {
        if(!$sqlString) $sqlString = " AND VAT = '' ";
            $sqlString .= " OR VAT = '' ";
    if($options['company']) {
        if(!$sqlString) $sqlString = " AND VAT <> '' ";
           $sqlString .= " OR VAT <> '' ";

    $query = "SELECT email FROM users WHERE newsletter=1'".$sqlString."'";




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