HTTP 404 or Illegal Characters in Path Error while rewriting urls using HttpModule

I would like to rewrite all urls in my project. I am doing this using HttpModule. It works fine, no query string. But some pages require a query string. So he cannot avoid it. This is how I wrote my HttpModule.

     HttpApplication MyApp = (HttpApplication)sender;
    string MyOldPath = MyApp.Request.Path;
                switch (MyOldPath.ToLower())
                    case "/profile":
                        OriginalURL = "~/Modules/UserMgmt/Users.aspx?self=true";
if (OriginalURL != string.Empty)
      MyApp.Context.RewritePath(OriginalURL, string.Empty, string.Empty);


When I do this, I got the error "Illegal characters in the path"

Then I updated my webConfig as shown below.

        <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0" relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping="true" requestPathInvalidCharacters="&lt;,&gt;,*,%,:,&amp;,\" />


At that time, the error "Invalid characters in the path" was resolved and received an Http 404 error.

enter image description here

I could see the current url when debugging like below enter image description here

If I am not using the url then rewrite its url as shown below enter image description here

Could you please help me to solve this problem. Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

Here's the solution .... Instead of writing the query string along with the original path, pass it to the third parameter, context.Redirect. i.e.) MyApp.context.Redirect(OriginalPath,string.Empty,myQueryString)

. Context.Redirect syntax with three parameters

RewritePath(String, String, String)


and its value Overrides the URL with the given path, path information, and query string information . Link:



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