Operation completion warning in Windows cmd

With windows cmd I have to put large programs to compile, which take a lot of time. Every time, to find out if the operation completed or not, I have to check the cmd over and over again. I want to know if there is a way that I can make changes to the cmd so that it gives me a signal that the operation has been completed by playing a sound or opening a dialog, etc.

Please share if anyone has an idea.


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2 answers

There are many ways to accomplish this.

This is the easiest

  • While your code is compiling (i.e. compilation has just started) at the same cmd prompt

    type " ctrl + G " and hit "Enter" this will jump to the cmd input stream and wait there until it is done, ctrl + G - BEL . > which gives you one beep when it is executed. You can also enter multiple BEL characters to receive multiple beeps after completing a task.

  • A more sophisticated way would be to write a python script that will execute a compile command, say "g ++ my_prog.cpp", and when finished, it plays a sound or gives you a simple toast notification via a Windows message box.



Include in batch file yout

msg console /time:3600 "The task has ended"


Send a message to the console and leave it open (if not closed by the user) 3600 seconds (if not specified, there is a 60 second timeout).



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