Angular controller only loads the first time in IE

I'm trying to set up a controller that redirects the user to a specific home page when navigating to a specific url. This different users can have their own landing page.

I have a fortune

.state('database.home', {
    url: '/home',
    templateUrl: "app/Database/Home/home.html",
    controller: "DatabaseHomeController"


and controller

(function (ng, app) {

  "use strict";

      ["$rootScope", "$scope", "$state", "$stateParams", "sessionService", function ($rootScope, $scope, $state, $stateParams, sessionService) {

          console.log("Database home controller running");

          $stateParams.systemName = sessionService.auth.DefaultSystem;
          $stateParams.objectName = sessionService.auth.Homepage;

          if ($stateParams.objectName) {
              $state.transitionTo("database.object", $stateParams);
          } else {
(angular, WebAppName);


This works once in Internet Explorer, but on demand in Chrome / Firefox.

This logging line only appears the first time you click the home link or type url in IE. Every time I see

0x800a139e - JavaScript runtime error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting!


in angular.js


Too clear as two people asked. $ StateParams is not the cause of the problem.

if (sessionService.auth.Homepage !== "") {
    $state.transitionTo("database.object", { objectName: sessionService.auth.Homepage, systemName: sessionService.auth.DefaultSystem });
} else {


Behaves exactly the same as it only works once in IE, but every time in Firefox and Chrome.

Edit 2:

Changing $ state.transistionTo for $ state.go doesn't matter, the infinate loop remains in IE on subsequent uses.


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1 answer

A common trick with running an application in IE is that you don't have to specify console.log.

So, just comment out this line:

console.log("Database home controller running");




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