How can I post snapshots when using sbt with bintray-sbt plugin?

I recently published a package for bintray and added it to jcenter now, which allows me to post my snapshots to I am using bintray-sbt plugin for publishing.

To post the snapshots, I added the following directive to my build.sbt file:

publishTo := {
  if (isSnapshot.value)
    Some("OJO" at "")
    publishTo.value /* Value set by bintray-sbt plugin */


The problem is that when I try to publish a snapshot, I get the following error:

[error] (*:bintrayRelease) failed to release richard-w/play-reactivemongo@0.2-SNAPSHOT: {"message":"Resource not found for path 'Richard-W/maven/play-reactivemongo'"}


which basically means bintray-sbt is hooked on posting TaskKey. The publishing process is ready by the time this error occurs, but it seems unclean and hacky. Disabling auto-issue gets rid of the error, but gives a meaningless warning.

My question is: Can I disable the bintray-sbt plugin from build.sbt in some way when posting snapshots? If that doesn't work: how to configure sbt to post to bintray without using bintray-sbt. I never got the url pattern right away when I tried.


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1 answer

Struggling with the same problem for some time now. Failed to configure sbt-bintray but configured bintray urls correctly. Here is my code:

object implicits {

  val bintrayUser = sbt.settingKey[String]("Bintray user name")
  val bintrayRepository = sbt.settingKey[String]("Bintray repository name")
  val bintrayPackage = sbt.settingKey[String]("Bintray package name")

  implicit class RichProject(project: Project) {

    def publish: Project = project.settings(
      bintrayUser := "your default user",
      bintrayRepository := "your repository",
      bintrayPackage := name.value,
      credentials += {
        if (isSnapshot.value) {
          Credentials((Path.userHome: RichFile) / ".ivy2/nexus.credentials")
        } else {
          Credentials((Path.userHome: RichFile) / ".ivy2/bintray.credentials")
      publishTo := {
        if (isSnapshot.value) {
          Some(("snapshots": RepositoryName) at "snapshots repo url")
        } else {
          Some(("releases": RepositoryName) at s"${bintrayUser.value}/${bintrayRepository.value}/${bintrayPackage.value}/;publish=1")


Also note that I have added some keys for the bintray repository configuration. You can set these keys in child projects and override the defaults.

I am using the following properties:

def library1: Project = publish.settings(
  organization := "io.library1",
  bintrayPackage := s"library1-${name.value}"


And then in build.sbt I can do:

import implicits._
lazy val `library1-part1` = project.library1




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