How to access UrlHelper.Action or similar from within Global asax
I am trying to prepare a 301 redirect for a typo that I made "received"
I am struggling to find a way to get the url on behalf of the action and controller.
I know UrlHelper.Action, but it doesn't exist in Global.asax. How can I access this method ?:
// Add permanent redirection for retired pages (Application_BeginRequest())
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.LocalPath.ToLower().StartsWith("/blah/listrecieved"))
HttpContext.Current.Response.RedirectPermanent(/*Need url generated from action and controller*/);
Alternatively I created a route, if that's how I should be getting the string, that's fine too, but I'm not sure how:
name: "blah-list-received",
url: "blah/list-received",
defaults: new { controller = "Blah", action = "ListReceived" }
for example, it might look like this:
// Add permanent redirection for retired pages
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.LocalPath.ToLower().StartsWith("/blah/listrecieved"))
HttpContext.Current.Response.RedirectPermanent(routes.GetUrl( "blah-list-received" ) );
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