Difference between Google Developer Console and Google Apps Console

Can someone please tell me what is the difference between creating the user_id and the consumer secret from the developer console rather than creating them from the Google Apps admin console?

I have two Google accounts for my personal activity ( xxxx@gmail.com ) and I recently bought a Google Apps account ( xxxx@domainName.in ).

When creating user_id and secret service account ( link ) from xxxx@gmail.com :

client_id:  341552605300-d7nlrrrf4d4des778d4mm1lt5k4mesf1.apps.googleusercontent.com
Email Address: 341552605300-d7nlrrrf4d4des778d4mm1lt5k4mesf1@developer.gserviceaccount.com
client_secret: some long jumbled text in the downloaded JSON File


When created with xxxx@domainName.in :

client_id: domainName.in

client_secret: Jxeosrrd1Rgz-dTJl2Pdsfds


I am new to oauth 2.0 and am confused as to why there is a difference in client key generation and secret between developer console and admin console.


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