Data frame failure

How can I collapse my dataframe when many observations have multiple rows but no more than one value for each of several different variables?

Here's what I have:

id  title info                 var1     var2        var3
1   foo   Some string here     string 1     
1   foo   Some string here              string 2 
1   foo   Some string here                          string 3
2   bar   A different string   string 4 string 5    
2   bar   A different string                        string 6
3   baz   Something else       string 7             string 8


This is what I want:

id  title info                  var1        var2        var3
1   foo   Some string here      string 1    string 2    string 3
2   bar   A different string    string 4    string 5    string 6
3   baz   Something else        string 7                string 8


I think I have

ddply(merged, .(id, title, info), summarize, var1 = max(var1), var2 = max(var2), var3 = max(var3))


But the problem is that there are many other var1-var3 variables and they are programmatically generated. As a result, I need a way to insert var1 = max(var1)

etc. Programmatically based on a list of variable names.


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1 answer

Many possible ways to achieve this, here are two

Define some helper function

Myfunc <- function(x) x[x != '']


Using data.table

setDT(df)[, lapply(.SD, Myfunc), by = list(id, title, info)]
#    id title               info     var1     var2     var3
# 1:  1   foo   Some string here string 1 string 2 string 3
# 2:  2   bar A different string string 4 string 5 string 6
# 3:  3   baz     Something else string 7       NA string 8


Or similarly dplyr

df %>%
  group_by(id, title, info) %>%

# Source: local data table [3 x 6]
# Groups: id, title
#   id title               info     var1     var2     var3
# 1  1   foo   Some string here string 1 string 2 string 3
# 2  2   bar A different string string 4 string 5 string 6
# 3  3   baz     Something else string 7       NA string 8




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