Laravel select count in select

I am using laravel 4.2, I have a table called pois that contains some poi (poi = point of interest), I have a second table called stamps that contain custom stamps.

So, I want to have 3 options for when the user has the maximum number of stamps. My problem is I don't know how to do this using laravel requests. I got my result using sql query, but this is not the best way to do it. here's my sql query:

$pois = DB::select("SELECT *, (SELECT count(*) from stamps WHERE = stamps.poi_id) nbr_stamps FROM pois order by nbr_stamps DESC limit 3");


Can you tell me how to do this with laravel requests?


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2 answers

You should use selectRaw()

instead select()

and separate other parts of the request from related methods:

$pois = DB::select(DB:raw("*, (SELECT count(*) from stamps WHERE = stamps.poi_id) nbr_stamps"))
    ->orderBy('nbr_stamps', 'DESC')


Read the Query Builder documentation .



@thanks to limonte for linking to the documentation, I found the correct way to write for choosing raw, here are the solutions:

$pois = DB::table('pois')
        ->select(DB::raw("*, (SELECT count(*) from stamps WHERE = stamps.poi_id) nbr_stamps"))
        ->orderBy('nbr_stamps', 'DESC')


To have a good day;)



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