Avoiding container lines in dependency injection in symfony

New for symfony and php. I was able to successfully define the service and inject the doctrine entity manager into it. It works fine, but during initialization, I have to pass a string containing the service name like this:

    $eRep = $this->container->get('employee_repository');


Can this be avoided? Could this be converted to something more elegant like

   $eRep = $this->container->getEmployeeRepository();


The service is defined as:

    class: AppBundle\Repository\EmployeeRepository
    arguments: [@doctrine.orm.entity_manager]               


Sorry for the question about the nob. EDIT

Can I access the service container inside another class, say EmployeeEnvelope, and call the following:

class EmployeeEnvelope{

    public function getEmployeeRepository()
        return $this->container->get('employee_repository');



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1 answer

If you are requesting a service from a controller, you can configure your controller as a service. Then you can push the repository service to employees using dependency injection.

This way you won't have a line reference in the controller, but in the config.




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