SQLAlchemy: Returns record filtered by maximum column value

That's it, I'm having a problem with a (surprisingly trivial) SQLA query; The goal is to return the record with the highest value in the counter column:

this works great - returns the correct entry:

m=12 # arbitrary example of a max value of counter = 12
qry = session.query(Data).
      filter(Data.user_id == user_id,Data.counter == m)


The code below doesn't work - it returns None


from sqlalchemy import func
qry = session.query(Data).
      filter(Data.user_id == user_id,
      Data.counter == func.max(Data.counter).select())


Please note that there is no more than one record with the maximum value (if applicable).

Of course, there is a way to return the record that has the maximum value in one of the columns. Any ideas?

python sqlalchemy

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1 answer

It looks like you could just sort by counter in descending order and take the first result ...

from sqlalchemy import desc

qry = session.query(Data).filter(
      Data.user_id == user_id).order_by(


However, if you are concerned about sorting a large dataset, you can use a subquery ...

subqry = session.query(func.max(Data.counter)).filter(Data.user_id == user_id)
qry = session.query(Data).filter(Data.user_id == user_id, Data.counter == subqry)


sql, which qry

would essentially be ...

FROM data 
WHERE data.user_id = :user_id AND data.counter = (
    SELECT max(data.counter) AS max_1 
    FROM data 
    WHERE data.user_id = :user_id GROUP BY data.user_id



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