Strange error occurs in my xml file during eclipse startup and goes away after maven update

I have a weird error that occurs in my camel-config.xml file that occurs when I am pooled by data source. When I run my eclipse the error message "XML error handling. Resource must not be empty" appears and disappears after maven update. I wanted to know what is causing the error in the first place, and why this happens after the update. Its oracle is datapooling and is not even related to the logic of a specific project. Any thoughts, suggestions or opinions on this issue are appreciated.

I am getting error in this piece of code.

 <orcl:pooling-datasource id="dataSource1"
    url="${oracle.db1.url}" username="${oracle.db1.username}" password="${oracle.db1.password}"/>
<orcl:pooling-datasource id="dataSource2"
    url="${oracle.db2.url}" username="${oracle.db2.username}" password="${oracle.db2.password}"/>
e id="dataSource3"
    url="${oracle.db3.url}" username="${oracle.db3.username}" password="${oracle.db3.password}"/> 


Thank you Gautam


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