Using slugs in laravel 5?

I have done an eloquent job in my application. Plums keep just fine. Buuuut ... How do I use it to generate a pretty url?

If possible, I would like to use them in my url instead of ID numbers.


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2 answers

Yes, you can use slug

in route

and generated url

, for example if you declare a route something like this:

Route::get('users/{username}', 'UserController@profile')->where('profile', '[a-z]+');


Then, in your controller, you can declare a method like this:

public function profile($username)
    $user = User::where('username', $username)->first();



- this is your slug here and it should be a string because of where()...

in the route declaration. If passed integer

, it route

cannot be found and an error will be thrown 404




As of Laravel 5.2, if you are using route model binding, you can make your routes contain an object id as usual (implicit binding). For example:

In routes/web.php

(Laravel 5.3) or app/Http/routes.php

(Laravel 5.2):

Route::get('categories/{category}', 'CategoryController@show');


In CategoryController


show (Category $category) {


The only thing you need to do is tell Laravel to read the ID from another column, like a column slug

, by customizing the key name in your eloquent model:

 * Get the route key for the model.
 * @return string
public function getRouteKeyName()
    return 'slug';


You can now reference your own url

, which requires an object id with an id slug

instead id


See Laravel 5.3 (or 5.2) Fitting a Route Model



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