Angularjs error Unknown provider: $ scopeProvider <- $ scope <- user

I am getting the error

Unknown provider: $ userProvider <- $ user "

With the following code:

var app = angular.module('test', []);

app.factory("user", function($scope, $http) {
   var usr = {};
   usr.getAllLists = function(){
       return "test";
   return usr;  

cart.controller("MyController", ["$scope", "$http", "$user", 
    function ($scope, $http, user){

        $scope.initialize = function(){
            $scope.lists = user.getAllLists();



Do you see the error?


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1 answer

The intended cart has a dependency on the application module.

cart.controller("MyController", ["$scope", "$http", "user", 
    function ($scope, $http, user){

        $scope.initialize = function(){
            $scope.lists = user.getAllLists();


It should be a user, not $user


Also, in factory, $scope

use instead $rootScope




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