ServiceProvider register services with construct parameters in laravel 5.1

I am using laravel 5.1 and I am having these problems.

in my AppServiceProvider.php register method

$this->app->singleton('PingppServices', function ($app, $params) {
    return new \App\Services\PingppServices($params['sid']);


at PingppServices.php

private $sid;

public function __construct($params)
    $this->sid = $params['sid'];

public function foo()
    echo $this->sid;


in the controller i use this to call it

$pingppServices = app('PingppServices', ['sid' => 1]);


So my question is: in laravel 5.0 I can do it like app('PingppServices', 1);

, in 5.1 the second argument should be an array. I see that the app () method has no change, so what's the change?

And is this the correct way to resolve services with design parameters?



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2 answers

It's hard to tell without having an understanding of the purpose of the class and an overview of the entire code.

In general, whatever you pass to a class constructor is mostly dependencies and configuration variables. Anything related to data at runtime must have a separate delimiter, or must be passed as an argument to a method where appropriate.

How sad I am, it's really hard to tell without a deeper understanding.


class Foobar {
   private $pingppService;
   public function __construct(PingppServices $pingppService) {
      $this->pingppService = $pingppService; 

   public function wtf() {




Not like you said in Laravel 5.1 the app () method

 * Get the available container instance.
 * @param  string  $make
 * @param  array   $parameters
 * @return mixed|\Illuminate\Foundation\Application
function app($make = null, $parameters = [])
    if (is_null($make)) {
        return Container::getInstance();

    return Container::getInstance()->make($make, $parameters);


Finally, it will call the function build($concrete, array $parameters = [])


So the second argument should be an array.



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