Webpack html-loader returns complete module definition

Webpack, super cool and great, yay

also runs it with grunt-webpack, omg so happy

what else? some nice guy made an inliner so i can require .html files i'm lucky

var html = require("html!./some_template.html");

the only tricky detail is that the html file containing

<h3><%= any_variable %></h3>

appears as

module.exports = "<h3><%= any_variable %></h3>"

I feel like I must be missing some silly details, otherwise what needs to be done is change the html-loader? This is a pretty trivial detail, but I still feel like I don't understand this tool.

check out https://github.com/webpack/html-loader/blob/master/index.js

on request, from webpack.config.js or in my case Gruntfile.js

module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.html$/, loader: "html" } ] }

SOLUTION: It turns out that I am not able to read, require("html!./some_template.html");

starts the loader and then I also run it in my config, so I got the commonjs declaration in my html.


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2 answers

For those struggling like me here, the solution is https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/39jp8z/webpack_weirdness_no_love_at_stackoverflow/

Basically the html downloader works twice!

Delete the setting. (in webpack config or on import)



This is clearly coded for this - https://github.com/webpack/html-loader/blob/master/index.js#L71

Can you reach the author via github and / or file an issue there?



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