Music21 Midi Error: type object '_io.StringIO' has no attribute 'StringIO'. How to fix it?

So I followed this question to get sound using Music21 and here is the code:

from music21 import *
import random

def main():

#  Set up a detuned piano 
#  (where each key has a random 
#  but consistent detuning from 30 cents flat to sharp)
#  and play a Bach Chorale on it in real time.

    keyDetune = []
    for i in range(0, 127):
        keyDetune.append(random.randint(-30, 30))

    b = corpus.parse('bach/bwv66.6')
    for n in b.flat.notes:
        n.microtone = keyDetune[n.midi]
    sp = midi.realtime.StreamPlayer(b)

    return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':



And here is the traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 49, in <module>
  File "", line 44, in main
  File "G:\Development\Python Development\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\music21\mi
di\", line 104, in play
    streamStringIOFile = self.getStringIOFile()
  File "G:\Development\Python Development\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\music21\mi
di\", line 110, in getStringIOFile
    return stringIOModule.StringIO(streamMidiWritten)
AttributeError: type object '_io.StringIO' has no attribute 'StringIO'
Press any key to continue . . .


I am running Python 3.4 x86 (Anaconda Distribution) on Windows 7 x64. I don't know how to fix this (but it's probably somehow obscure Python 2.x for the Python 3.x incompatibility issue as always)


I edited the import as suggested in the answer and now I have a TypeError:

enter image description here

What would you recommend me to do as an alternative to "play some sound" with Music21? (Fluidsynth or whatever).


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2 answers

You might be right ... I think the error might be in Music21 as it handles imports StringIO

Python 2 has StringIO.StringIO

, whereas

Python 3 has io.StringIO

.. but if you look at the import statement in music21\midi\

    import cStringIO as stringIOModule
except ImportError:
        import StringIO as stringIOModule
    except ImportError:
        from io import StringIO as stringIOModule


The last line is importing io.StringIO

, so later the call stringIOModule.StringIO()

fails as it actually calls io.StringIO.StringIO


I would try to edit the import statement:

    except ImportError:
        import io as stringIOModule


And see if that fixes it.



return stringIOModule.StringIO (streamMidiWritten) AttributeError: type object '_io.StringIO' has no attribute 'StringIO' Press any key to continue.,.

Please @Ericsson just remove the StringIO from the return value and you are good to go.

Now it will be: return stringIOModule (streamMidiWritten)



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