How can I know what will be updated if I use Get Latest Version?

I have a Visual Studio solution and I am using TFS for source control.

When I have made a bunch of changes to my working copy of the solution, the Team Explorer window will show me all the files I have changed and let me compare my version with the workspace (original) version or the latest version in TFS.

However, before I check my changes, I first want to integrate any changes that have been made (by other people) into the latest TFS, since I got the source from TFS.

I could make the latest version and hope for the best. However, I generally prefer to know what will be changed and be able to review those changes in detail before overwriting my local files.

Is there a way to compare my workspace (original) version with the latest version in TFS, or see what "Get" effects are presented before I actually run it?

To be useful, this had to be at the solution level - I wouldn't want to go through every single file.


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2 answers

Use Compare...and select the latest version. This is best done from the command line or source explorer.

If you compare "Latest version" (remote) with "workspace version" (local), then it will tell you what has changed on the server since the last update.

If you compare "Latest version (remote) with" Latest version "(local), then it will tell you what has changed both locally and remotely.



The command line is your friend , you can use the switch /preview

to see what happens if you get

tf get $/MyTeamProject/MySourcePath /recursive /preview



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