Camel-swagger and incompatibility

We have a Camel (2.15.2) based application with some REST services published. Camel-swagger component is used to publish information about services.

Everything works fine if the application is in a Tomcat container. - - [12/Jun/2015:11:25:20 +0200] "GET /myapp/api-docs/ HTTP/1.1" 200 383


However, if I deploy my freshly downloaded 1.4.51 WAR (sample-1.4.51.war) in the same container (no changes o the configurations performed), I get 204 response codes from my original application. - - [12/Jun/2015:12:50:51 +0200] "GET /myapp/api-docs/ HTTP/1.1" 204 -


I think this is all about JMX and how Swagger gets information about REST services published in the Camel context, but I'm not sure how to avoid this error.


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