Google Cloud BigTable connection establishment time

I am testing some BigTable queries on a 3 node cluster using a Go client like:

r, err = tbl.ReadRow(ctx, "key1")


I am getting results within a few ms:

query 1: 129.748451ms
query 2: 3.256158ms
query 3: 2.474257ms
query 4: 2.814601ms
query 5: 2.850737ms


As you can see, there is a significant delay in establishing the connection in the first request. Can anyone provide feedback if this would be an acceptable value? Requests are taken from the GCE VM in the same zone (europe-west1-c) as the BigTable cluster.

Also, is there any support for pooling BigTable connections when running on App Engine?


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1 answer

Bigtable Connections in Go is initialized asynchronously from the time bigtable.NewClient () is called.

Connections are expensive objects that take significant initialization time.

The first call to ReadRow () will block while waiting for this connection to complete. If you had to wait a while between the call to NewClient () and the first ReadRow (), you shouldn't see a higher latency on the first read.



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