How are fprintf column headers in MATLAB?

I have two matrices A and B as follows:

A = [1

B = [10  11  12  13
     15  16  17  18
     17  12  15  13
     20  21  22  17
     40  41  32  33]


and I would like to output it to a text file in the below form with the column headings as shown:

Desired text output

A  B   B   B   B
1  10  11  12  13
2  15  16  17  18
3  17  12  15  13
4  20  21  22  17
5  40  41  32  33


Reproducible code

A = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5];
B = [10, 11, 12, 13;
     15, 16, 17, 18;
     17, 12, 15, 13;
     20, 21, 22, 17;
     40, 41, 32, 33;];

ALL = [A B];

ALL_cell = mat2cell(ALL, ones(size(ALL,1),1), size(ALL,2));

fID = fopen('output.dat','w');
f = @(x) fprintf(fID,'%s\n',sprintf('%f\t',x));


How can I insert column headings as shown above using MATLAB? Sometimes the columns in B can be over 100, I only gave 4 as an example.


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1 answer

In my private collection of utility scripts, I have a function for "pretty-printable" matrices:

function pprint(fid, M, cols)

fprintf(fid, '%s\t', cols{:});
fprintf(fid, '\n');
for irow=1:size(M, 1)
    fprintf(fid, '% .3f\t', M(irow,:));
    fprintf(fid, '\n');


You can use it like this:

>> headers = [repmat({'A'}, 1, size(A, 2)), repmat({'B'}, 1, size(B, 2))]

headers = 

    'A'    'B'    'B'    'B'    'B'

>> fid = 1; % print to stdout
>> pprint(fid, [A, B], headers)
A       B       B       B       B   
 1.000   10.000  11.000  12.000  13.000 
 2.000   15.000  16.000  17.000  18.000 
 3.000   17.000  12.000  15.000  13.000 
 4.000   20.000  21.000  22.000  17.000 
 5.000   40.000  41.000  32.000  33.000 


Note that headers and columns only align well if the column labels are not too large, you may have to play with adding extra tabs or use spaces instead of tabs (i.e. use '%10s'

instead of '%s\t'

, and '%10.3f'

instead '% .3f\t'




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