Why does this model fail?

Here is the dataset

When using the Google Prediction API, it will run from RUNNING

for about 30 minutes, then ERROR: INTERNAL ERROR


Why does it fail? This seems to be the standard dataset for a regression regression model.


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1 answer

While trying to answer this question, I looked at the API you are talking about as well as its requirements. These requirements lie in the file format and how the text in the specified file is formatted. First of all, I want to point out that the Google Prediction API, which is "loaded into Google Cloud Storage in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format". Your file is TXT (at least on GitHub) but seems to have the correct CSV structure. However, if you look at the standards for this file type , almost everyone wants this to be done in their own way. In the case of Google, they have very strict requirements.in file format (there are also some good examples here: cloud.google.com/prediction/documents/developer-guide # examples). In short, you shouldn't have spaces between your columns, this can cause an error in processing, seeing as not following Wikipedia standards or Google requirements.

EDIT: Sorry for the weird links, I don't have enough repetitions to do more than two.



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