Error creating javax.mail jar for Android Studio

I am trying to use the Gmail API to send emails. I followed google documentation on how to do this. I need access to MimeMessage, which is from import:


Since this is not enabled by default in Android Studio, I downloaded the .jar files and did.

File -> New -> New Module -> Import .JAR

I also physically placed the javax.jar in the libs folder in Android Studio and referenced it.

my build.gradle (app) file looks like this in the dependencies section:

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile project(':javax.mail')


However, when I clean and build the project, I get this error: org.gradle.Internal.ExecException.

I googled this and I'm sure it has something to do with my .jar link, but I'm not sure how to fix it.


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2 answers

Add this to the dependencies section:

compile  'javax.mail:javax.mail-api:1.5.3'




They now have a library built for Android only, which you can find here:

There are currently two libraries available. You probably only want the former.

implementation 'com.sun.mail:android-mail:1.6.0'
implementation 'com.sun.mail:android-activation:1.6.0'


Note: implementation

- this is only a new standard forcompile



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