NullPointerException when publishing a Grails 3 plugin

I am trying to publish this Grails 3 plugin in Bintray following the steps in this tutorial . The last step is to run

gradle bintrayUpload


at the command line from the root of the project. When I do this I get the following error

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
java.lang.NullPointerException (no error message)

* Try:
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.

* Exception is:
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.DefaultTaskDependency.add(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.AbstractTask$
    at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.TaskMutator.mutate(
    at org.gradle.api.internal.AbstractTask.dependsOn(
    at com.jfrog.bintray.gradle.BintrayPlugin$_apply_closure2_closure5.doCall(BintrayPlugin.groovy:96)
    at com.jfrog.bintray.gradle.BintrayPlugin$_apply_closure2.doCall(BintrayPlugin.groovy:88)


Any ideas on what is causing the problem?


Following the suggestions below, I made the following changes to build.gradle

  • updated bintray plugin to version 1.2
  • changed group "org.grails.plugins"

    togroup "domurtag.plugins"

FAILURE: Build failed with exception.

  • What went wrong: Execution completed for task ': bintrayUpload'.

    Failed to create package 'grails / plugins / org.grails.plugins: grails-simple-captcha': HTTP / 1.1 403 Forbidden [message: Forbidden]


I added these environment variables



The error message indicates that the 403 reason is trying to publish the plugin to a repository grails/plugins

(which I don't have access to), but I don't know why this is happening?


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3 answers

I have seen exactly the same stack for my Gradle build. My Gradle build script was using com.jfrog.bintray

version 1.1. Build succeeds after upgrading to version 1.2.




Could not create package 'grails/plugins/org.grails.plugins:grails-simple-captcha': HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden [message:forbidden]


This is because you are trying to publish a repository grails/plugins

to which you do not have publish permission. You have to change the build.gradle

bintray configuration to publish to your own repository. Example:

version "0.1"
group "benorama.plugins"
bintray {
  pkg {
    userOrg = '' // If you want to publish to an organization
    name = "benorama.plugins:$"
    issueTrackerUrl = "$"
    vcsUrl = "$"
    version {
      attributes = ['grails-plugin': "benorama.plugins:$"]
      name = project.version


Once you've published your own repository, you can request to include your plugin in grails/plugins

See this tutorial for a good guide:



Your problem is your bintray config in build.gradle. By default, the Bintray Gradle plugin is configured with external files:

// Used for publishing to central repository, remove if not needed
apply from: ''
apply from: ''


so that you can override this config, then add your own config, for example:

// Used for publishing to central repository, remove if not needed
apply from: ''
apply from: ''

version '0.1'
group 'org.grails.plugins'

bintray {
    pkg {
        userOrg = '<your bintray username>'
        repo = 'plugins'
        name = "org.grails.plugins:$"
        desc = "Grails $ plugin"
        websiteUrl = "$"
        issueTrackerUrl = "<username>/grails-$"
        vcsUrl = "<username>/grails-$"
        licenses = ['Apache-2.0']
        version {
            attributes = ['grails-plugin': "org.grails.plugins:$"]
            name = project.version


in your case no value userOrg

is set (userOrg is used grails

) so you are not allowed to upload to

Alternatively, you can check

to see the complete bintray configuration.



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