In Spark 1.4.x. How can I set a driver system property using spark-submit parameters?

In Spark & ​​lt; The 1.3.x driver system property can be set using the -conf option shared between spark property parameters and system properties:

spark-submit --conf


In Spark 1.4.0 this feature is removed, instead the driver writes the following warning:

Warning: Ignoring non-spark config property: 


How do I set the system property of a driver in 1.4.0? Is there a reason it gets removed without a deprecation warning?

Thanks a lot for your advice.


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1 answer

This behavior was introduced in the 336f7f5373e5f6960ecd9967d3703c8507e329ec

JIRA discussion at . As per the previous version of JIRA, spark-submit simply silently ignores conf options that don't start with spark.

. You can set spark.driver.extraJavaOptions

to have the options you want (depending on what you are trying to accomplish).



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