Gnuplot png white on black

In gnuplot-4.2.6, I can create a nice white on black image with

set term png medium x000000 xffffff
set output 'file.png'
plot x


This creates a png file with black background and white axes, axis axes, titles, legend text, etc.

The new gnuplot-5.0.1 complains about the aforementioned "set term" command saying "deprecated color option". The closest I can get to have an image white on black is to set the background to black with

set term png medium background '#ffffff'
set output 'file.png'
plot x


but this just sets the background to black without setting the axes, axis labels, etc. to white.

Does anyone know how I can get white black png images in the latest version of gnuplot?


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1 answer

These color options for the png terminal have been removed with version 4.6. The magazine says this: This mechanism is completely deprecated, except for setting the background color .

Starting with version 4.6.0, you can (but should also) set linecolor

, and textcolor

for each part:

set terminal pngcairo background rgb 'black'
set xlabel 'ylabel' tc rgb 'white'
set ylabel 'xlabel' tc rgb 'white'
set border lc rgb 'white'
set key tc rgb 'white'

set linetype 1 lc rgb 'white'
set output 'bw.png'
plot x lc 1, x**2 lc 1


enter image description here

If you only need these settings for some images, you can move a few parts to some config file ` 'with content

set macros
bg = 'background rgb "black"'
white = 'textcolor rgb "white"'
set xlabel @white
set ylabel @white
set linetype 11 lc rgb 'white'
set border lc 11
set key @white


In the actual plot file, you use it like

load ''
set terminal pngcairo @bg
set xlabel 'xlabel'
set ylabel 'ylabel'

set output 'bw.png'
plot x lc 11, x**2 lc 11




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