How can my Outlook VSTO add-in change the form to read email?

Depending on the text in the email being viewed, I would like my Outlook VSTO add-in to use a modified form to display the email.

I can create custom panels, but they don't show up where I want them. I can also create Outlook form regions that "dock" and appear at the bottom. But I was unable to change either of the two default forms that Outlook uses to display emails - the Inspector Read Form and the Reading Pane Form used in the main perspective window. (I'm sorry if I'm using the wrong terms.)

Here I would like to insert some text labels and buttons and such that right above the email message:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Is it possible? A page on MSDN says that I should be able to customize any standard form.

Thanks for your help.


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1 answer

Outlook (or VSTO) does not provide anything for placing custom forms at the top of the inspectors. Outlook Forms do not provide such layouts. You can use Windows API functions to subclass Outlook windows and place custom forms wherever you need them. See Adjacent Windows in Outlook and Creating Adjacent Windows in Outlook Sample Project for more information.

You may also want to consider using the Advanced Perspectives and Form Regions of Outlook . They allow you to position the form at the top position of the inspector window.



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