Guice, afterPropertiesSet

Does someone know how I can achieve the same functionality in Guice as the afterPropertiesSet interface in spring? (his construction hook)


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4 answers

It doesn't seem to be supported yet, so here's a small solution for anyone wanting this work.

public class PostConstructListener implements TypeListener{

    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PostConstructListener.class);

    public <I> void hear(TypeLiteral<I> iTypeLiteral,final TypeEncounter<I> iTypeEncounter) {

        Class<? super I> type = iTypeLiteral.getRawType();

        ReflectionUtils.MethodFilter mf = new ReflectionUtils.MethodFilter() {
            public boolean matches(Method method) {
                return method.isAnnotationPresent(PostConstruct.class);

        ReflectionUtils.MethodCallback mc = new ReflectionUtils.MethodCallback() {
            public void doWith(Method method) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
                if (!(method.getReturnType().equals(Void.TYPE) && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0))
                    logger.warn("Only VOID methods having 0 parameters are supported by the PostConstruct annotation!" +
                            "method " + method.getName() + " skipped!");

                iTypeEncounter.register(new PostConstructInvoker<I>(method));


    class PostConstructInvoker<I> implements InjectionListener<I>{

        private Method method;

        public PostConstructInvoker(Method method) {
            this.method = method;

        public void afterInjection(I o) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable e) {


The ReflectionUtils package is defined in spring.

Bind this listener to any event with:

bindListener(Matchers.any(),new PostConstructListener());


in your graphics module. Enjoy



In contrast, the simplest solution, if you are using constructor injection and not doing anything crazy, is to create a postconstruct method and annotate it with @Inject


final class FooImpl implements Foo {
  private final Bar bar;

  FooImpl(Bar bar) { = bar;


  void init() {
    // Post-construction code goes here!


When Guice provides FooImpl, it sees that it has a constructor @Inject

, call it and then search for the methods annotated with @Inject

and call them. The intended use case for this is setter injection, but even if the method @Inject

has no parameters, Guice will call it.

I don't recommend using this if you are using setter or field injection to inject deps as I don't know if Guice gives any guarantees as to the order in which the method is called @Inject

(i.e. yours init()

cannot be guaranteed to be called the last one). However, constructor injection is the preferred approach anyway, so it should be a hassle-free issue.



I think using @PostConstruct is the way to go.

Here is a related blog post:

And here is the addon library that provides support:

Adding lifecycle support via Guiceyfruit is described here:



You need to read the CustomInjections page on the Guice wiki:

In addition to the standard @Inject

-driven injections , Guice includes custom injection hooks. This allows Guice to host other structures that have their own semantics or injection annotations. Most developers will not use custom injection directly; but they can see their use in extensions and third party libraries. Each custom injection requires a type listener, an injection listener, and registering each one.



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