The closest selector affects more than one element

I have an application that uses a grid control with three columns of checkboxes side by side. The boxes in the first column are included; the next two are disabled. I tried to write a JQuery function that will include an adjacent checkbox in the second column when the user checks the field in the first column. Here is my code:

<script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $("[id$='FirstCheckBox']").click(function() {
                var td = $("td", $(this).closest("tr"));
                if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
                    $("input[type=checkbox]", td).prop("disabled", false);
                else {
                    $("input[type=checkbox]", td).prop("disabled", true).prop("checked", false);
                    $(this).prop("disabled", false);


This function works great when I only have two checkbox columns. But when I add a third column with the checkboxes disabled, the function also includes a field in that column. I thought the closest selector only selects one element, but it seems to select two. What am I doing wrong?


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2 answers

Instead of navigating to the parent element entirely tr

, just navigate to the closest one td

and find the next cell using the jQuery method next()


You can generalize this by changing your code to this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $("#tableId").on('click', 'input:checkbox:not(:disabled)', function() {
            var $nextTd = $(this).closest("td").next('td');
            if (! $nextTd.length) { return; } // already in last column
            if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
                $("input[type=checkbox]", $nextTd).removeProp("disabled");
            else {
                $("input[type=checkbox]", $nextTd)
                    .prop("disabled", 'disabled')




What if you set checkboxes to an array of item objects and use an index within the array to set which checkbox you want to enable / disable. I thought something like this: DEMO

var chx = $('input[type="checkbox"]');       // Store the elements
chx.change(function(){                       // Set the event listener
    var i = chx.index(this);                 // Get the index of the clicked element
    $(chx[i + 1]).prop('disabled', function(i, val){
        return !val;                         // Return the opposite state of the element indexed after the triggered element


It has the advantage of being short and sweet, and allows you to manipulate the index rather than conditionals. I suppose you could add a legend if you want more control.

Here is an example of using a condition to restrict the functionality of certain elements in an array. This restricts events from any elements in the array after the first.

var chx = $('input[type="checkbox"]');
    var i = chx.index(this);
    if(i == 0){
        $(chx[i + 1]).prop('disabled', function(i, val){
            return !val;


This is an even shorter version as you need it to be applied to the first checkbox, but it still allows you to skip DOM traversal.

var chx = $('input[type="checkbox"]');
    $(chx[1]).prop('disabled', function(i, val){
        return !val;


I also updated the script to reflect this change.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.



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