How do I pass the expression "from a higher level" to mutate?

I would like to create a higher level function that completes the mutation. I want to give an expression parameter to my function and be able to use that expression in mutate:

datas <- data.frame(x = sample(100))
fn <- function(datas, expr) {
   mutate(datas, flag = eval(substitute(expr), datas))

fn(datas[1], x > 50)
Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots) : object 'x' not found 


But I don't understand why it fails as it mutate(datas, flag = eval(substitute(x > 50), datas))


What am I doing wrong?



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2 answers

Try the following:

fn <- function(df, expr)
eval(substitute(mutate(df, expr), list(expr=substitute(expr))))


or (preferably):

fn <- function(df, expr)
mutate_(df, .dots= list(flag=substitute(expr)))




Best used dplyr::mutate_

, which is intended for this kind of scenarios where non-standard evaluation is problematic inside a function.

fn <- function(datas, expr) {
  expr <- substitute(expr)
  dplyr::mutate_(datas, flag = expr)


See and vignette("nse")




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