Can't list pm2 in docker containers

I am building a Docker image with Node.js and pm2. I started a container with:

docker run -d --name test -p 22 myImage


Then I go into the container with

docker exec -it test /bin/bash


In the container, run the command:

pm2 list


And it got stuck here:

enter image description here

Ps: My application works well in a Docker container if I add CMD pm2 start app.js

to Dockerfile



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2 answers

If your dockerfile CMD is pm2, you have the -no-daemon arg option, so pm2 runs in the foreground and your docker container keeps running.

Example Dockerfile CMD:

CMD ["pm2", "start", "app.js", "--no-daemon"]


Otherwise, without -no-daemon, pm2 starts as a background process and docker thinks pm2 is running and stops.




CMD ["pm2-docker", "pm2.yaml"]


This is a new approach.

Please do not use the previous approaches.



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