PowerShell Out-file -width doesn't truncate content when exporting to file

I have Windows 7 and PowerShell 4.0. When you export content to a file, the parameter is -Width

not formatted based on this setting. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:

"It is a nice hot sunny day" | Out-File -FilePath ".\output.txt" -Encoding ASCII -Width 10


The export result is not truncated at the 10th character. It is not cropped at all. I can't figure out what happened.


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3 answers

This came as a surprise to me, but apparently the parameter -Width

only works with formatted objects:

String (s) as input, no effect

PS C:\> "It is a nice hot sunny day" |Out-File '.\output.txt' -Width 10 -Force; gc '.\output.txt'
It is a nice hot sunny day



, it works

PS C:\> New-Object psobject -Property @{text="It is a nice hot sunny day"} | Format-Table |Out-File '.\output.txt' -Width 10 -Force; gc '.\output.txt'

It is a...



, this works, but in a strange way:

PS C:\> New-Object psobject -Property @{text="It is a nice hot sunny day"} | Format-Table |Out-File '.\output.txt' -Width 10 -Force; gc '.\output.txt'

text : It
       a n
       t s


So the closest we can get is possibly with Format-Table -HideTableHeaders


PS D:\> New-Object psobject -Property @{text="It is a nice hot sunny day"} | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders|Out-File '.\output.txt' -Width 10 -Force; gc '.\output.txt'

It is a...


Inspired by @ Matatt's answer, you can write your own function to truncate strings:

Function Resize-String {
        [int]$Width = 10


PS C:\> "It is a nice hot sunny day" |Resize-String|Out-File '.\output.txt' -Width 10 -Force; gc '.\output.txt'
It is a ni




I'm puzzled about the parameter too -Width

, as I would expect you to type in to do something. However, if it worked, I don't think you will get the expected results anyway. If you read Out-File

on TechNet, you will see that the width ...

Specifies the number of characters in each line of output. Any additional characters are truncated

So I have a similar answer where I take an integer based string input and wrap.

Function Get-Folded{
        [int]$Wrap = 50
    $strings  -join " " -split "(.{$wrap,}?[ |$])" | Where-Object{$_}


So if we try your text

Get-Folded "It is a nice hot sunny day" -Wrap 5


I would make this conclusion, which has the advantage of not breaking words.

It is 
a nice 
hot sunny 


This can now be easily transferred to a file. More explanation follows from my answer to another question



Unfortunately the documentation is not very clear, but it seems to -Width

only apply when an object of some type is mapped to text output and no lines are counted.

For example:

([PSCustomObject]@{Value = "It is a nice hot sunny day"}) | Out-File -FilePath ".\output.txt" -Encoding ASCII -Width 10


For strings and even arrays, it doesn't use it -Width

at all.



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