Functional Programming Lambda Expressions

I need to program a regex with lambda expressions for a university. I got two methods in a method.

here is my code:

static String ausdruck = "abcd";

public static Function<String, String> Char = (c) -> {
    return (ausdruck.startsWith(c)) ? ausdruck = ausdruck.substring(1,
            ausdruck.length()) : "Value Error";

public static BiFunction<Function<String, String>, 
                         Function<String, String>, 
                         Function<String, String>> 
                And = (f1, f2) -> {return null;};


what I want to do in the method And

: -> Char(Char.apply("a"))

I want to call a function f2

with a parameter f1

as a parameter. Call of the And Method should look like this:

And.apply(Char.apply("a"), Char.apply("b"));



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2 answers

If I understand the question correctly, you want to create a function that composes a new function that performs one function with the result of another function. The best way to do this in a lambda is to return a new lambda.

Try something like this:

BiFunction<Function<String, String>, Function<String, String>, Function<String, String>> compose =
            (f1, f2) -> (a -> f2.apply(f1.apply(a)));



Function<String, String> upper = s -> s.toUpperCase();
Function<String, String> twice = s -> s + s;
Function<String, String> upperTwice = compose.apply(upper, twice);


Conclusion FOOFOO


Regarding your specific example

The method and method call should look like this: And.apply(Char.apply("a"), Char.apply("b");

I don't know exactly what you are trying to do, but I don't think this will work, given the current implementation Char

. It sounds like you want to create a delete lambda a

with another to delete b

, but Char.apply("a")

won't create another function instead , but actually delete "a"

from your ausdruck

String! Instead, your lambda Char

should probably also return another lambda, and that lambda shouldn't change some variable static

, but accept and return another String parameter.

Function<String, Function<String, String>> stripChar = 
            c -> (s -> s.startsWith(c) ? s.substring(1) : "ERROR");
Function<String, String> stripAandC = compose.apply(stripChar.apply("c"), stripChar.apply("a"));


Conclusion sh


Finally, if you want to use this with something other than just String

, it makes sense to make it a compose

real method instead of a lambda so you can use generics. Alternatively, you can make it a little easier using andThen


public static <A, B, C> Function<A, C> compose(Function<A, B> f1, Function<B,C> f2){
    return f1.andThen(f2);




I think this is what you want

    Func<Str,Str> f = and( comsume("a"), consume("b") );
    f.apply("abcd"); // "cd"

Func<Str,Str> consume(String x)
    return input->{ 
        if(input.startsWith(x)) return input.substring(x.length());
        else throws new IllegalArgument()

Func<Str,Str> and(Fun<Str,Str> f1, Func<Str,Str> f2)
    return input-> f2.apply(f1.apply(input))



not required, see Function.andThen


    f = consume("a").andThen( consume("b) )


Unfortunately, no "curry"; otherwise we could do it

    f = consume2.curry("a") .andThen (  consume2.curry("b") );

static BiFunc<Str,Str,Str> consume2 = (input,x)-> {...return input.substring(x.length()); ..


It is better if you create your own functional interfaces with necessary methods like curry.

interface F1
    String apply(String);
    F1 and(F1);

interface F2
    String apply(String,String);
    F1 curry(String);




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